Walk In Centre
Outside normal surgery hours (evenings, weekends and bank holidays), emergency cover for the practice is provided by Primary Care (PC24) Out of Hours service.
PC24 is an urgent care centre based next to King's Mill Hospital Emergency Department that provides medical care for patients that do not need A&E care. It is a Nurse led service (Monday-Friday) and is supported by General Practitioners in the out of hours period (i.e. anytime your normal GP practice is closed).
This service is for problems which cannot wait until the surgery is open. You will be required to provide full information about your problem and will be expected, if required, to attend PC24 if necessary. Advice may also be given if attending for a face to face appointment is not deemed as required.
During out of hours, you should telephone the practice and instructions will be provided.
Fort other general medical advice, you can always contact NHS 111 if you urgently need medical help or advice but it is not a life threatening situation.
Local Pharmacy
Your local pharmacy can also offer you advice and treatment if required for a range of minor ailments. Under the Pharmacy First scheme, if you are exempt from prescription charges you will be able to get the same medicines the GP would have prescribed free of charge for head lice, temperature/fever, sore throat, earache, teething pain and pain relief for toothache.
To access this service, go to your local Pharmacy First pharmacist (look out for posters, leaflets and window stickers for your nearest one).