Appointment Information

Important Notice: Appointment Booking Changes

Please be aware that, effective immediately, we have updated our appointment booking process:

For same-day appointments related to medical issues, our lines open at 8:30 AM, Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays). Please call us at this time to book an appointment.

For routine appointments, these are available to be booked up to 4 weeks in advance. You can book online via the NHS App, or SystmOnline, or we can send you a bookable link via AccuRx.


Contact us online

For non-urgent medical enquries and admin requests, you can now contact us online! Click the Submit a new request button.




Late For Your Appointment or Missed the GP Call?

Please attend your appointment on time, if you are late you may not be seen. If you are not seen you will not be able to rearrange your appointment until the next working day-except in the event of an medical emergency that requires immediate attention.


If you miss your call the clinician will attempt to you call you once more, if you miss a second call then we ask you to rebook via reception or online booking tool.

The date and time of your failure to respond to a call will be recorded in your clinical record.

 In an emergency please contact the practice direct and do not use the online booking tool.


If you require an interpreter to attend with you when you see your Doctor please notify the care navigator and they will arrange this for you.

Extended Access

In addition to our usual opening hours, patients can access evening and weekend appointments which are offered by the local practices in the Ashfield North Primary Care Network. These incudes King's, Woodlands Medical Practice, Willowbrook Medical Practice and Brierley Park Medical Group. 

Appointments will be available weekdays up to 8pm in our local area and also on Saturday mornings and Sunday's by rota. These appointments are for non-emergencies and are prebookable only. Please contact reception on 01623 551015 for more information. 

Appointment System

All surgeries and clinics are by appointment only.  A normal appointment length is 10 minutes, if you think you may need a longer appointment please tell the receptionist when booking your appointment. Telephone consultations are also available. If you think your problem could be dealt with by speaking on the telephone to the doctor or nurse please tell the receptionist who can arrange it for you.

We try to make sure you see the doctor of your choice but if they are not available we may offer you another doctor.

If you have booked a face to face appointment you should arrive at the time of your appointment.

Telephone appointments – the clinician will call you at some point during the day, not necessarily at the booked time of the appointment.

Booking Online

If you are a patient at our practice, you can now use the NHS App, a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet. You can also use the NHS App to check your symptoms and get instant advice, book appointments, order repeat prescriptions, view your GP medical record and more.

If you already use SystmOnline you can continue to use it. You can use the NHS App as well. For more information go to

If you do not have access to a smartphone but do have access to a computer, you can still access our online services. 

Home Visits

Whilst we are happy to make a home visit to those patients who are too ill to attend surgery or are house, we ask patients to use this service consideratlely.

We find it is much more effective to see our patients at the surgery where there are the facilities for examination and investigation (e.g. blood tests or heart tracing etc) when needed. If you do need a home visit, please request it before 10:00am if possible.

Our GP's may ring you before visiting and our care navigators may ask for brief details of the nature of the problem to help the GP's to prioritise visits. You may also be referred to the Acute Home Visiting Service ran by PICS. This service is to assess patients earlier in the day and is commissioned by Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB. It is a nurse led service and has been designed to assist GPs. A full report is sent back to the practice on completion of the visit and appropriate follow up will be arranged where indicated and visits are carried out during the course of the day. 


NHS Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS)

The CPCS was launched by NHS England and NHS Improvement in October 2019, to facilitate patients having a same day appointment with their pharmacist for minor illness or an urgent supply of a regular medicine, improving access to services and providing more convenient treatment closer to patients' homes.

The service is helping to alleviate pressure on GP appointments and emergency departments, in addition to harnessing the skills and medicines knowledge of pharmacist. Should the patient need to be escalated or referred to an alternative service, the pharmacist can arrange this.

When you call the practice, you will be asked about your symptoms. If they indicate that you can best be helped by a pharmacist, you will be offered a same day private consultation with a community pharmacist of your choice. 

Pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals and experts in medicines. They can offer clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines for all sorts of minor illnesses, and a same day consultation can be arranged quickly and at a time to suit you. This in turns frees up GP appointments for those people with more complex symptoms who really need to see a GP.

We will share your personal details with the pharmacist and details of your minor illness and the pharmacist will contact you to arrange your consultation on the same day, or at a time that suits you.

You may be seen in person in a private consulting room, if the pharmacist thinks it appropriate, or your consultation may be carried out over the phone or via video. You will be asked about your medical history and symptoms and current medication, in the same way the GP would ask you about them.

Usually, the pharmacist will provide you with advice and can sell you with an over the counter product where needed, if you choose. They will also send details of your consultation back to us for our records.

If the pharmacist feels you need to be seen by a GP urgently, they will call us to ensure you are seen, or they will advise you to contact the hospital Emergency Department if deemed necessary. You may also be referred back to us to arrange a non-urgent appointment or follow up.

Presenting conditions suitable for pharmacy referral:

• acne, spots and pimples • allergic reaction • ankle or foot pain or swelling • arm pain or swelling • athlete's foot • bites or stings, insect or spider • blisters • cold or flu • constipation • cough • diarrhoea • earache, ear discharge or ear wax • eye, red or irritable • eye, sticky or watery • hair loss • headache • hip, thigh or buttock pain or swelling • knee or lower leg pain or swelling • lower back pain • lower limb pain or swelling • mouth ulcers • rectal pain, swelling, lump or itch • shoulder pain • skin, rash • sleep difficulties • sore throat and hoarse voice • tiredness (fatigue) • toe pain or swelling • vaginal discharge • vaginal itch or soreness • vomiting • wound problems – management of dressings • wrist, hand or finger pain

Cancel an Appointment

If you need to cancel your appointment, you can use one of the below options:

  • Call the practice 
  • Reply back to your reminder text message saying CANCEL
  • Use online services including NHS App / SystmOne

It is important that you inform the practice if you are unable to attend your appointment as this will allow the appointment to be offered to another patient. We ask that you provide an hour's notice. If you provide less than an hours notice or fail to notify us at all, you may be sent a letter informing you that you have missed your appointment. Persistent missed appointments may lead to patient removal from the practice list. 

Text Reminder Service

We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments.

To have this service you will need to register by completing a consent form.

Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.