The CPCS was launched by NHS England and NHS Improvement in October 2019, to facilitate patients having a same day appointment with their pharmacist for minor illness or an urgent supply of a regular medicine, improving access to services and providing more convenient treatment closer to patients' homes.
The service is helping to alleviate pressure on GP appointments and emergency departments, in addition to harnessing the skills and medicines knowledge of pharmacist. Should the patient need to be escalated or referred to an alternative service, the pharmacist can arrange this.
When you call the practice, you will be asked about your symptoms. If they indicate that you can best be helped by a pharmacist, you will be offered a same day private consultation with a community pharmacist of your choice.
Pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals and experts in medicines. They can offer clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines for all sorts of minor illnesses, and a same day consultation can be arranged quickly and at a time to suit you. This in turns frees up GP appointments for those people with more complex symptoms who really need to see a GP.
We will share your personal details with the pharmacist and details of your minor illness and the pharmacist will contact you to arrange your consultation on the same day, or at a time that suits you.
You may be seen in person in a private consulting room, if the pharmacist thinks it appropriate, or your consultation may be carried out over the phone or via video. You will be asked about your medical history and symptoms and current medication, in the same way the GP would ask you about them.
Usually, the pharmacist will provide you with advice and can sell you with an over the counter product where needed, if you choose. They will also send details of your consultation back to us for our records.
If the pharmacist feels you need to be seen by a GP urgently, they will call us to ensure you are seen, or they will advise you to contact the hospital Emergency Department if deemed necessary. You may also be referred back to us to arrange a non-urgent appointment or follow up.
Presenting conditions suitable for pharmacy referral:
• acne, spots and pimples • allergic reaction • ankle or foot pain or swelling • arm pain or swelling • athlete's foot • bites or stings, insect or spider • blisters • cold or flu • constipation • cough • diarrhoea • earache, ear discharge or ear wax • eye, red or irritable • eye, sticky or watery • hair loss • headache • hip, thigh or buttock pain or swelling • knee or lower leg pain or swelling • lower back pain • lower limb pain or swelling • mouth ulcers • rectal pain, swelling, lump or itch • shoulder pain • skin, rash • sleep difficulties • sore throat and hoarse voice • tiredness (fatigue) • toe pain or swelling • vaginal discharge • vaginal itch or soreness • vomiting • wound problems – management of dressings • wrist, hand or finger pain